The Illinois Pathways to Partnerships Project (IPPP) aims to improve transition outcomes, competitive integrated employment (CIE), and independent living outcomes for students with disabilities ages 10- 24 across the state of Illinois. The project delivers an innovative Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) model that includes services and supports for families as well as students. The innovative pre-ETS model program will build a comprehensive system of integrated resources, trainings, technical assistance, and supports utilizing coordinated expertise from the Illinois Department of Human Services Division of Rehabilitation Services (IDHS-DRS), the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) as well as participating local educational agencies and Centers for Independent Living that will focus on the following three major domain areas:
- Pre-ETS to CIE
- independent living
- professional development
The project also works with high demand employers and other community and state agencies to maximize the implementation of the statewide model and build statewide capacity and partnerships to support CIE and independent living for Illinois students with disabilities.